


Trolling is a great way to relax, catch pike-perch (walleye), pike, trout or salmon and enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Finnish archipelago at the same time.

Real midsummer treat is pike-perch trolling, that can be done even at night time. Usually fish are more active on a cloudy weather, but pike-perch seams to prefer same kind of weather as us: Beautiful sunshine and warmth! And as it’s a delicious fish and almost certain catch, we can guarantee a dinner in Artalli from days catch for you and guests at the end of a pike-perch trolling day.


Sea trout can be trolled in early spring and late in the autumn. So it’s recommended only to those who can endure cold and rough conditions. But for fishermen in Finland there aren’t many better feelings, then being out in the archipelago, middle of stormy seas and do battle with a big sea trout.

Salmon trolling is done in summertime in the open seas, with specially costumed boats and trolling gear. We no longer do these trips, mainly because of the fact is, that the catch is anything but certain and it takes at least one hole day to even get close. But if you are interested in trying this form of fishing, we can arrange the best boats and fishing guides to take you out in trying to get this tremendous fighter in to the other end of your line.